Meal Plan
Meal Plan Options
Spring 2025 Meal Plan Information
The MUW Dining Services currently offers five meal plans for W students (residents/commuters) and Faculty/Staff. Please review the requirements, prices, and amounts received below. Any additional Flex Dollars can be purchased at the Hogarth Dining Hall cashier station or the Dining Hall offices. Students have 2 weeks after the start of classes to change the meal plan; this can be done in the Dining Hall Offices.
For any questions about meal plans, please visit or contact the Dining Services offices at (662) 329-7411.
Plan A: Unlimited/semester
Dorm Sweet Dorm! Residential Students will receive the Residential Unlimited Plan once he or she has registered for classes.
Residential Unlimited Plan
7 Days, Unlimited meals per week +$200.00 Flex Dollars
Plan B: Block 14/week
An option for everyone!
This plan provides a student with 14 meals per week for the semester with the addition of $275 in Flex Dollars.
Plan C: Block 10/week
An option for everyone!
This plan provides a student with 10 meals per week for the semester with the addition of $375 in Flex Dollars.
Plan D: Block 8/week
An option for everyone!
This plan provides a student with 8 meals per week for the semester with the addition of $425 in Flex Dollars.
Plan E: Commuter
Calling all commuters!!
$125 Flex Dollars
Faculty & Staff
Load Up TODAY! Faculty / Staff members can purchase this plan and receive 20 meals + $25.00 in Flex Dollars!
Faculty / Staff
20 Meals + $25.00 Flex Dollars $155